Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Food at 12 Months

Scarlett loves to eat. She walks around with her hand out anytime someone in the house is eating. She thinks that she is as big as everyone else.

Confession time! A list of things that Scarlett really does eat.

peas, carrots, mac & cheese, avocado, rice (brown & white), broccoli (easy recipe follows)
raw celery & carrot sticks with hummus, peanut butter, or ranch dip (be super careful, Scarlett eats this while we are sitting at the table with her)
chicken - crockpot a whole chicken and you will have savory chicken for days.
cheese, yogurt, eggs, grits, applesauce, bananas

And sweets, she will eat every sweet she can get. M&M's are not safe in this house. We give her the yellow ones so she won't stain her clothes with the colored drool. Shameful, I know!

Easy Steamed Broccoli

Use a coffee cup to hold a few broccoli pieces and a splash of water. Microwave for less than a minute.
you can add a dash of salt, butter, cheese.
We do not like our broccoli to limp so cook to your liking.

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